The JMS-30-M series offers a complete dust collection system featuring a centrifugal exhaust fan mounted on a single, compact mobile base to create thirty cubic metres per second at -3.0kPa.
The JMS-30-M series features a 1200mm single dirty air intake plus four 508mm dirty air intakes. The multiple dirty air intakes allow the unit to provide dust extraction from multiple sources simultaneously.
Grydale hold the patent for manufacturing the only self-propelled dust collector on the market. JMS track machines are able to move and operate alongside excavation equipment, such as road headers, surface miners, profilers and trenchers. Track units offer full mobility with variable speeds between 3-6 km/h to increase the speed and efficiency of operations.
Drag skid units can be easily moved with a crane using the four lifting lugs or dragged into position using the rigging mounts at the end of the machine. Units mounted on drag skids are perfect when dust collection needs are relatively static.
The JMS-30-M diesel dust extractors use a T4/5 engine to power the tracks and centrifugal exhaust fan, whilst hydraulics are used to power the auger and rotary valve discharge system.
The JMS-30-M electric dust extractors use 380-480V to power the centrifugal exhaust fan, while hydraulics are used to power the auger and rotary valve discharge system.