The JMS-60-M series offers a complete dust collection system featuring a 315kW (420hp) centrifugal exhaust fan mounted on a single, compact mobile base to create forty cubic metres per second at -3.5kPa or a 450kW (600hp) centrifugal exhaust fan mounted on a single, compact mobile base to create forty cubic metres per second at -5.0kPa.
The JMS-60-M series features a massive 1800mm single dirty air intake. There is an option to add 508mm dirty air intakes to the side of the unit. The additional dirty air intakes allow the unit to provide dust extraction from multiple sources simultaneously.
The JMS stepping system features four hydraulic legs to lift the unit up while a pair of skates help to move the unit forward/backwards. Movement can be repeated to achieve the desired travel distance.
Drag skid units can be easily moved with a crane using the four lifting lugs or dragged into position using the rigging mounts at the end of the machine. Units mounted on drag skids are perfect when dust collection needs are relatively static.
The JMS-60-MES electric dust extractors use 380-480V to power the centrifugal exhaust fan, while hydraulics are used to power the auger and rotary valve discharge system.
The JMS-40-MHS uses a T4/5 engine to power the tracks and centrifugal exhaust fan, while hydraulics are used to power the auger and rotary valve discharge system.